hi! i'm shubhaankar aka spongeboi.
i'm currently a dev@horizon (working on sequence) and an undergrad student at UBC vancouver majoring in computer science and mathematics.
i love building cool stuff, here's some stuff i've made/wrote:
solo: dApp for artists to sell albums as ERC1155 tokens (users get an album directly from their favourite artists) created at buildspace's n&w s2 (wip)
peersafe: dApp that helps you store files in a decentralized storage while still being fully private (wip)
simplai: website where users can upload complicated documents and de-jargonize the parts they don't understand (eg: legal docs)
won 2nd @ hack the valley UoFT 2022 (decomissioned due to extremely high server costs)
authdeck: a decentralised solution for human verification (wip)
i also love contributing to opensource, checkout my github
if you want to get in touch, you can reach me on my email ([email protected]) or twitter
also linkedin...
and yes i made this in 2023
my gpg address: 8100B2AC0774A881C70C27DDDAA256B5784C7317
my eth address: spongeboi.eth (same on all evm chains)